Sunrise like a nosebleed
I was up dark and early this morning to attend a non-profit community breakfast at the behest of one of my local readers. It was held at some posh digs that are usually outside my sphere of reference in the lovely waaay-south side of the city. As I cruised down the freeway in the early morning darkness, I reveled in a continuous listen of Pearl Jam's Vitalogy album. It's amazing to me how good that complete album still sounds to me after 13 years. It's also superb for (unsafely enthusiastic) air-drumming on the steering wheel. Today, that's my favorite Pearl Jam album; strange and intense how after singing those lyrics for so many years they've become my own.
I have no sleek transition here into what I wanted to post today, other than perhaps a tenuous early-'90s thread, but today I've got some fantastic live U2 from (arguably) my favorite U2 era.

Released to promote the Achtung Baby album and the Zoo TV tour this promo for radio was produced by B.P. Fallon in 1992. B.P. was the opening DJ for the Zoo TV tour in the US. Two versions of this CD were said to have been produced, the version that made up this promo disc, and an alternate version which was not released, featuring additonal live material and less studio material. A bootleg of that second version has appeared in trading circles under the name "Outside Broadcast".
This version of "Trying To Throw Your Arms Around The World" is one of the best things I've ever heard, and I never get tired of hearing whoever (PJ, Eels, Bono) cover "Can't Help Falling In Love."
A fantastic collection of songs here:

Until The End Of The World (live)
Even Better Than The Real Thing (live)
Mysterious Ways (live)
The Fly (live)
One (live)
Tryin To Throw Your Arms Around The World (live)
Satellite of Love (Lou Reed cover) (live)
Bullet The Blue Sky (live)
Where The Streets Have No Name (live)
Running To Stand Still (live)
Can't Help Falling In Love ("Elvis" cover) (live)

your lips hurt but you can't breathe...
agreed - favorite U2 era. Rattle & Hum through Zooropa.
I actually own this one. $20 at Lou's in Encinitas, but well worth it. It has a recording from their Jack Murphy stadium broadcast (zing) - full of the "satellite" stuff they were using during the shows... Loved it.
Heather, you never cease to amaze. U2's cover of "Can't Help Falling in Love" continues the best of the bunch, and I've always felt that the Achtung Era was U2 at its greatest.
Thanks for the great live tracks!
Very nice - thank you
I really really want to get the "Tryin to throw your arms arond the world" MP3 cos it's my fave song. However, it says the file can't be found! I'll try again tomorrow!
Iain, it works for me?
For some reason now, my Google panel bar is showing comments on your Blog, not just the entrys
I just picked up Vitalogy yesterday. I now have all the PJ albums up through Binaural. It is quite a good album, but I have to say that I hold No Code close to my heart, possibly mainly because it was my first PJ album and I've found that we always love the first thing we hear by someone the best.
It’s also my favorite U2 era. I really miss all the ZOO T.V paraphernalia, the Trabant cars and everything… (Sigh!) I really miss the 90’s.
Thank You
Thank you! This is one I didn't have. Zoo TV was the era when I started listening to U2. In fact, I used my very first paycheck from my very first job to buy a t-shirt with the band picture on it that you included with this post. They've done some great things since then, but Achtung Baby is still my favorite.
Vitalogy are my all time favorite,After more than decade it's still sounds nice..Thank you very much for the live tracks links,Its great..
Car Breakdown Cover
Yoouuuuuuuuuuuuuu legend =)
I can now use this to completely drown out my annoying idiotic flatmate. This makes me happy.
Drown away, Graham
Ok Heather, this just made my day, a friend just forwarded your page to me and I'm giddy with excitement to listen to this, did I just say giddy. Regardless, I don't think there is anything better than the ZooTV tour, another great CD from that tour: Bono Breaks Wind Over Boston, fabulous. Thanks again - Paul
What's a pirates favorite letter:
I had lost this boot. Thanks for posting it.
My favorite era is the one happening rightg now, but Achutung Baby continues to be my favorite album, with ATYCLB a close second.
I love Vitalogy as well as it was the first PJ album I bought with my own hard earned cash, but I always wonder how good it could've been if "Bugs", "Pry To", and "Stupid Mop" had been replaced with songs we might actually hear at a show. "Hard to Imagine" was out there at the time, "Out of My Mind" could've been developed into something great. I have this feeling there were some great demos left on the cutting room floor in the name of deconstructing fame.
Amen, DY. I agree, they were trying to rebel a bit with that album ("My spanking. It's the only thing I want so much..."?!?) and the feel ends up being a bit more like some of the Christmas singles - solid tunes with these b-sides of rambling, sonic experiments.
The original Rolling Stone review says: "With Kurt Cobain and his agonized beauty so sadly gone, down on Pearl Jam thuds the dreaded mantle: spokesmen for their generation, genre, hometown, whatever. Vitalogy is their refusal."
i was just thinking about the first time i saw any zoo/achtung sightings of u2, it was the world premier of the fly video... and all i remember was thinking... "the edge is the coolest mother f-er in music. those badass pants with the designs on them, the knit hat, and the frikkin white les paul... jimmy page of our generation... that fly solo is the bomb!!
end of the world solo is also one of my all time fave edge moments.
yah, whateva... heatha.... you rawk.
not to mention the b-sides from that U2 era rock. Lady with the Spinning Head? Takes the Fly and amp it up! The numerous Even Better Than The Real Thing mixes?!
Sheesh - Heather, you just validated the countless hours I spent importing all those discs onto my iPod!
just discovered this blog...pearl jam and U2 are my two favorites bands, and achtung baby is my favorite album of all time, so I 100% agree with the zoo tv era of U2 being their peak. I really regret not being able to see that tour (I was 12 at the time. Wow).
I think I had a cassette recording of this back in the day so I'm looking forward to downloading and hearing this again.
WOW!!! I don't have this one. I've heard about it and never seen it. I actually just met the radio dj that produced the radio special/sample for the ZooTV. That is his voice on some of the "witty" intro stuff.
Brilliant post Heather, as always.
And speaking of PJ, Vitalogy was the first album of theirs I bought and fell in love with it instantly. I have yet to hear a more beautiful song than Immortality.
yes i have this one too - you're right about "tryin to throw your arms" - it's an amazing version.
if you get a moment, i did a piece on th ezoo period as well that you might enjoy:
(you'll have to scroll down a few posts)
thanks Heather! this is very cool! all the best, Rich Price
I bought this way back in the day when it was brand new for $30...maybe the best U2 boot ever? Sound quality is fantastic!
"an alternate version which was not released, featuring additonal live material and less studio material."
Would love to hear that one, too!
i just got this bootleg a couple of weeks ago, and i have to agree, this is my favourite era of U2. and this is my second favourite bootleg, following The Sydney Broadcast.
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