Had to be good for Santa Claus: Pearl Jam 2007 Christmas single

I stopped by my mailbox a few hours ago on the way back from last minute grocery shopping for the Christmas dinner I am making tomorrow. As I stood there shivering, fumbling the key with my frozen-in-two-seconds fingers, I got a fantastic Christmas present in plain brown wrapping, stamped "Ten Club" in the corner. As every year, my heart began to thump as I savored the slow unwrapping. Most years we use the term Christmas single loosely because it turns out to be a Presidents Day present or an Easter gift. But for 2007, Ten Club -- your timing was impeccable.
Merry Christmas, guys.
Santa God - Pearl Jam
Jingle Bells - Pearl Jam

Thanks to DropTheLeash for the audio rip and SYM
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Thanks Heather! I wish it were snowing here in Houston like it is in the Springs.
Oh this is just perfect! Thank you, Heather.
Merry Christmas, everybody! :)
thanks! this rules, am thoroughly enjoying the Paul McCartney live show as well! merry christmas!
Thanks and a Merry Christmas to you and yours
haven't received mine yet. been awhile since we've seen some original tunes for the single.
Merry Christmas Heather! Thanks for the good times: waking up, drinking some coffee and reading Fuel Friends. There's no better way to start the day!
Thank YOU again and again!!!
I just recently found your website again and realized I never listened the PJ singles, so I made my husband a CD for an early Christmas gift (he has them on vinyl)... and also shared it with my FIL. So on Christmas Eve we all got a chance to listen (prior to 2007)... and now I'm back for more (2007)! I've even shared your website with them so they can become readers themselves!!!
Merry Christmas!
wow, thanx for being so generous.
btw, i think 2006 single is left out cause u didnt receive it on time last year : (
thanx for all this dedication
Pearl Jam are proud of you !
and so we are xoxoxo
wish you a lovely new year
Best X-Mas single in years. McCready's "Jingle Bells" should be a holiday standard. Thanks!
Thanks for posting these for us fans without record players. :)
Mine just arrived today, and it was such a surprise because lately I've been forgetting about Pearl Jam. I even got an email reminder about my 10C membership dues coming, and I still didn't even think about the xmas single; what a surprise! Thank you so much for providing the mp3's for those w/o turntables. Happy New Year!
Thanks for all the Christmas singles. A real treat. I lost my tracks during a move many years ago. So many gems.
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