Ryan Adams: Easy Tiger alternate versions

These tunes are my salute to Mr. Adams as we both head towards California in the coming days. He's been kind enough to arrange a roll through the SF Bay Area during the same time I'll be there for my cousin's wedding, and he is going to rock me in several different cities. I am looking forward to it, wahoo! I'll take 62% less ramble/38% more music this time around por favor.
Goodnight Rose
Everybody Knows
Tears of Gold
Pearls On A String
Oh My God, Whatever, Etc.
These Girls
Late addition:
Off Broadway (not in zip file)
And since we're talking about alternate versions of things, this performance was taped on Letterman, but they aired "Two" instead (which was also lovely and caused me to go to bed singing that melody):
Labels: ryan adams
Thank you so much for these! I'll be adding them to my mp3 player soon. There are videos for all of the songs on the album (you probably know from Lost Highway's competition!), and all of them seem to be collected here:
I've not had a chance to watch all of them but I assume they work. I've not got a program for audio rips so maybe you'd be able to add the other songs to the list? And that video of Magnolia Mountain is rocking too!
Thanks again!
Thanks, H! Have fun out here in SF. But ask Ryan to tell his story about working at the Chicken Shack or whatever the hell place was called.
thank you.
i can't tell you how long i've been waiting for a decent rip of "these girls"
is that audio rip of oh my god from the same group of videos as the others?? it hardly even sounds like him
oooh, I can't wait until internets comes back up in the barracks so I can download this!
Thanks for the extra Ryan goodness and for writing such a great music blog...
you rock!
it is posts like these that make me worship all things heather's blog related. thanks for the yummy ryan adams goodness. he is currently in my top 5 obsessions list.
Thank you so much for this entry. I am seeing Ryan here in Seattle next Friday and can't wait! Have fun at your shows. Wish I could be there too.
Thanks for putting this stuff up. Love your blog Ms. H.
Thanks, Heather, for sharing! I've said it before, but I'll say it again - yours is my absolute favorite music blog.
Enjoy your shows! I'm seeing Ryan next week here in Portland. I can hardly wait!!
where did you find these???
thanks for the rips! I love them! And him. And you !
Good blog. Good music. I'm glad I found this.
Thanks so much! I just caught Ryan at the Wilshire a few nights ago, and he was in fine form. Have fun!
Went to the show in Santa Cruz tonight and I have to say - Ryan is on fire right now. It was his first all-electric set with the Cardinals since his wrist injury and they rocked the house down. I had a little too much glaucoma medication so I can't give you the setlist but all the classics were represented. If you can see him at one of the smaller, general-admission venues, spare no expense getting tickets.
looking forward to giving these a listen. appreciate it. For all of you who don't own Easy Tiger go pick it up!
Great Post!
I've been looking for these. I actually went out a bought easy tiger after hearing alternate version of oh my god whatever thinking it was the version on the album.
Thanks...Keep posting and I'll keep reading
Thank you for the "I Taught Myself" video, Heather. Ryan was in such splendid voice there and that is such a lovely song...it would have also fit nicely on Love Is Hell, I think. I thought this version was more country than on the album, and crazy Graboff is such a terrific pedal guy. Personally, I miss Catherine Popper on bass. Where did she go?
Anybody have the bonus track "Alice"? It was on the Japanese import of Easy Tiger and also a Best Buy exclusive. When I got the cd from Best Buy, the website and passcode didn't work, but I've heard the song is great and am dying to hear it. Write me at thetallgreenone@yahoo.com if you've got any leads!
Can you put this back up, I lost it when my PC crashed.
maybe someone can e-mail it to me.
by the way
Is there any way to get these rips again? They are no longer functioning on your site, and yours is the only place I've seen them. Thanks much!
Looks cool, but where did the songs go?
I don't currently have server space to host these, but this blog has them:
Sad, the link seems to be down.
Could you please, please post it againg. Thanks, thanks, thanks for your efforts in advance.
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