...we've got the means to make amends. I am lost, I'm no guide, but I'm by your side. (Pearl Jam, Leash)

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Black Rebel Motorcycle Club: Screaming Gun EP

In October of 2001, bluesy-garage-rock band Black Rebel Motorcycle Club (so named after Marlon Brando's crowd of ruffians in the 1953 film The Wild One) released a five song EP of b-sides called The Screaming Gun EP. Not commercially available anymore, this was only sold in limited quantites at shows, and enjoyed brief chart-topping success on college radio stations in 2001/2002. It contains a handful of tunes recorded for their self-titled 2001 debut album that were cut from the final release. It's a nice collection, enjoyable front to back (I especially have been digging the swampy muddle of "Down Here" and the dusty harmonica of the title track).

Fail Safe - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
Down Here - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
At My Door - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
Screaming Gun - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
TV Loop (Deep Down) - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club

Screaming Gun EP ZIP

BRMC's newest album, Baby 81, came out last month. They just did a live streaming concert for MSN yesterday, check it out here.



At June 07, 2007 10:15 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Heather -
don't know how i lived up until yesterday when i discovered your blog. it is fabulous!
some tunes for you to check out:
Engineers, soulsavers(with mark lanegan on vox), A Year In the Wilderness from John Doe(ex X guitarist and thespian goes soul-searching), and in honor of the covers i've loved discovering here, try 6 & 1/2 by Jon Auer (especially sweet cover of Ween's Baby Bitch) and Nineteeneighties from Grant Lee Phillips.
Thanks for the genius!

At June 07, 2007 12:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm, can't get this to work.
love BRMC. please re-post!

thanks for the great posts.

At June 07, 2007 12:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah it's not working for me either...would greatly appreciate it if this was fixed!

At June 07, 2007 12:53 PM, Blogger heather said...

Weird, the whole server (fuelfriendsblog.com) seems to be down and I have no idea why. Usually when it does this it comes right back up, so I guess keep trying. It's nothing I did or can do.

At June 07, 2007 3:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

seems to be working now.
thanks Heather!

At June 08, 2007 7:10 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Stumbled upon your site when searching for more infor on the Hawaii '78 song Pearl Jam sang at a show in Hawaii last year. Love the plethora of "new music" you have introduced me to. Living in Madison, WI we get to see some pretty good acts. Your site makes me realize we are still missing out on so much. Thanks again ;)

At June 08, 2007 3:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saw a BRMC live show a few weeks ago. They were outstanding. I like everything I've heard from them, and I'm sure I'll like these too.

At June 08, 2007 8:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

do you have the howl sessions?

At June 08, 2007 8:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still the best music blog ever . . .

At June 08, 2007 9:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't even know this existed...thanks!

At June 09, 2007 6:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where can I buy this?

At June 09, 2007 7:46 PM, Blogger heather said...

Can't, as far as I know....

At June 11, 2007 2:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That sucks. Oh well. Thanks for putting this up.

At July 01, 2007 11:23 AM, Blogger Tempest said...

That was great! Thank you so much for posting as I may not have heard these otherwise!

At March 22, 2008 12:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any chance of reposting these again? I just picked up the "American X" EP after coming across it in a local music store. I wasn't even aware it existed. It got me in the mood to see what else from BRMC was out there that I didn't know about.

At June 28, 2008 4:34 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Ughhhh! As often as I pop into your blog, I missed this one. After actually hearing Fail Safe live for the first time, now I'm trying to find the EP. Any chance that this can be uploaded again?


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