Win yourself some Spidey-tastic music, I won't even make you hang upside down in the rain

Spiderman 3 came out last week and it's, well, a Spiderman movie - all villains and stunts and improbable choices. The thing that makes it notable is the dope soundtrack, which features folks like Rogue Wave, Wolfmother, The Killers, JET, The Walkmen and recent Fuel favorite Coconut Records.
I have one Spiderman prize pack to give away, and it kind of cracks me up because it would be a total bonanza especially for a 12-year-old male reader if I have some of those. My winner will get the soundtrack (yay!), a webblaster thingie that straps to your arm and shoots silly string (okay) and a Spiderman dog thing that hooks up to your iPod and dances on your desk. He has a crush on Hello Kitty, but you totally didn't hear that from me.
Signal Fire - Snow Patrol
Move Away - The Killers
Sealings - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Pleased to Meet You - Wolfmother
Red River - The Walkmen
Stay Free - Black Mountain
The Supreme Being Teaches Spider-Man How to Be in Love - The Flaming Lips
Scared of Myself - Simon Dawes
Twist - Chubby Checker
Sightlines - Rogue Wave
Summer Day - Coconut Records
Falling Star - Jet
Portrait of a Summer Thief - Sounds Under Radio
Letter from St. Jude - The Wasted Youth Orchestra
Small Parts - The Oohlas
This was one so easy to think of a challenge question for:
In the comments, tell me what your superpower would be if you could pick any one you wanted. The one I enjoy the most, wins. (You have one week to think)
AND: As for last week's contest to win the Arctic Monkeys vinyl, the winner for "worst band name" suggestion is Ashley, who stole my heart and completely echoed my sentiments when she left a one-word submission. Her choice is one that I have always thought of as so . . . retarded (sorry, but it is) that I can't hardly even say it. Hoobastank. It's like Huffamoose, only worse.
Congrats Miss Ashley, please send me your info so I can get that neato 12" mailed out to you and you can have your very own jumparound Arctic Monkeys dance party.
Labels: arctic monkeys, contests, films, rogue wave, wolfmother
The superpower to forgive sin in the ones I love.
My choice would be : the power to erase ignorance, especially racism and sexism. Serious, I know, but it's the first thing to come to mind. Always go with your instinct!
Plus, I have a 9-year-old who would love him that prize package. Thanks Heather.
the ability to never hear the spiderman 3 soundtrack again, it's a real stinker (even with RogueWave and Wolfmother)- pure crap. Your site, on the other side, is a pure delight.
ps: thanks for Counting Crows 'Ooh La La', this one was hard to find. you rock.
I'm going to go with a quote from my teacher:
"If I had a super power... I would want a protective bubble to put around women, so they don't date people harmful to them."
My friends and I just made a facebook group dedicated to her and her strange quotes. It probably won't win, but it was too perfect to resist.
The Super Power of making people more intelligent would be great!
Then the TV wouldn't be so boring.
That brightness knob doesn't work.
I would have to go with the superpower of "Ctrl - Z" (a.k.a. "Command-Z" in Mac land). I think we could all benefit from the power to simply undo our last action instantly. ...multiple Ctrl-Z would be even better, but that seems a bit too greedy.
I would want the power to be able to eat an endless amount of food without ever being full. I wouldn't mind the weight gain because I wouldn't be much of a hero but I could challenge villians to eating contests and they would be so full from eating it would make them too tired to destroy the world.
I would like the basic powers of Superman or Spiderman. But as an extra bonus, I would like the ability to pass my powers on to other people on a temp. basis. So, if someone in my family is having an esp. hard day, I can pass on my superpowers for just that day to help them out.
I would say V-man. I would have a belt loaded with little blue pills (complete with a picture of Bea Arthur for when the battle is over). And a G-ray that will ALWAYS hit the spot.
Let me throw in that I recently found this site and it is amazing. I would probably marry you based only on what I know of your musical tastes.
Id like the power to change the TV channels with my mind (Basic Package)
Or, Id like the power to change the channels with my mind plus 2 premium channels (Digital Premium Package)
I'd love the power to shoot fire/fireballs out of my hands. I could fly, by using my hands like a jetpack. I could destroy villians with a blast of the ole' firechops. And I could act as a human thermoflask for any cups of soup I hold.
the power to never have to go to the bathroom ever again...think about all the extra time you'd have!
The power to make anything clean just by touching it. Then I could spend my time doing the important things like reading or listening to music and wouldn't have to worry about household chores!
My Super power of choice would be the ability to make everything OK.
i'd like the ability to be see-through, so that when the bad guy i was fighting started to attack me, his fist/bullet/pirate sword would go right through me.
i wish i could puke on cue.
i heard about one of my brother's friends a long long time ago that could do this. and i always thought that would be awesome.
it could get you out of any situation.
and it anyone dare mess with me...
well, that'd be fun.
I would like the power to make midgets grow.
to be able to sing like bob seger and play the guitar like jimi hendrix... only with an air guitar.
i would like to be able to freeze frame time...only on highways....i could hop out of my car and slap the cell phone / newspaper / mack-up out of peoples hands...write the phrase "you have been slap-a-poozled" on the windsheld and steel their gas....i would do all this while singing camp down races....
do da do da !!!
I'd choose the ability to lull my enemies to sleep with show tunes.
The superpower I wish I had would have to be the ability to Apparate (referencing the magical Harry Potter-isms), to appear somewhere else (like a pete yorn concert, for instance)*snap* just like that. anytime, anywhere, whenever. no plane tickets, rental cars or luggage necessary.
I already have one -- tequila makes me invisible.
A superpowere that i would love to have would be the ability to actualize the music in my head. Meaning if i am just sitting down somewhere and i am having a nice little groove playing in my head that i created of my own accord i can just play it out loud so that not only i but the whole world would have to suffer through my weird idea of what music is.
the power to make you give me the soundtrack to SpM3
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