Ryan Adams Down In A Hole, and two new songs from Easy Tiger

In any case, Alice in Chains has aged moderately well for me and they've certainly got some evocative lyrics and construction behind even their heaviest scream-tastic stuff, more readily apparent in their duo of fantastic EPs, SAP and Jar of Flies.
Down In A Hole (Alice in Chains cover) - Ryan Adams
(alternate Savefile link)
Down In A Hole - Alice In Chains (from Dirt)
AND - these just hit my inbox, so I'll throw 'em on here too: Two new tracks from Easy Tiger, coming out June 26th. It's nice to hear a non-radio-rip of Two, and Everybody Knows is growing on me in a big way:
Two - Ryan Adams
Everybody Knows - Ryan Adams
Labels: alice in chains, covers, ryan adams
Wow! AIC's Dirt is IMO the darkest album of all time. Love it and love this cover. Thanks
Petra! No doubt.
I bet you could get behind some old school dc Talk too. Hang on, old skool.
down with the one
that is known as the son
of the g to the o to the d
never done
with the flow
in the know
on the go
like a pro
not for show
cuz I ain't in the biz for the dough
or the me
or the ray
all the dough's gotta stay
cuz i can't no i can't
take it home anyway
never trite when I write
cuz the lord is my light
and his word is my bond
so you know
he's alright
Does that answer your question, Andy? Cuz I could go on.
another new track, halloween head, is posted here:
You forgot "Brother" from SAP, which is a great tune, Heather!
Picking just one track from each EP was tough, Archimidis. I wanted to post em all. I esp love Right Turn from SAP with Chris Cornell on it. "Iiiiiiiiit's hard to believe somebody tricked you...."
Is there any more word out there as to whether Lucinda Williams is the special headline guest at Carved In Stone (Ryan Adams) show at Red Rocks? Guess it doesn't matter. I got tickets anyway, but it sure would be an extra special treat.
I could join the DC Talk party!!!
let's see, it's been a number of years...
Back in place
and I'm all up in your face
with a rhyme that I embrace
like a mother to her child
i'm kicking it jesus style
and to those who think they heard
i did use the 'j' word
and I aint to proud to say it
even if DJ's won't play
I just may have to dig that cd out and put it on my ipod now. Awww the memories.
jakehutch, you rock my socks off.
Enjoying the new Ryan songs. Hope the album's a little more exciting, though.
Thank you for posting the two new songs from Ryan Adams. I'm looking forward to getting Easy Tiger next month.
I go away for the weekend, and I come back to find all kinds of dcT on this blog. Nice.
Yo, s-e-x is a test when Im pressed
So back up off with less of that zest
Impress this brother with a life of virtue
The innocence thats spent is gonna hurt you
Safe is the way they say to play
But then again safe aint safe at all today
So just wait for the mate thats straight from god
Dont give it up til you tie the knot
Seemingly everyone I "internet" know that's my age was rocking BBD in 6th grade, but nobody that I know in real life was. Stupid real friends.
posted "oh my god, whatever, etc." from easy tiger on my blog at www.butterteam.com
probably my favorite so far on the first few listens - "everybody tips but not enough to knock me over"
- very solid album overall.
keep up the great posts!
this is funny... i googled "ryan adams down in a hole" and your blog was the first to pop up... and i was surprised to find a fellow "Petra-turned-Ryan-
Adams" fan...
and i can join the "decent christian talk", too:
the other night i met a girl
and she looked at me so nice
i asked her what she did
she said she didn't think twice
a couple'a days lata,
called her up and asked her out
she said with you i said with me
and then she said without a doubt.
nice to meet ya.
never, and forever - http://www.post2share.com/lyrics/aliceinchains/dontfollow.html
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