Hype! ("Everybody loves us, everybody loves our town")

Hype! is a wonderful music documentary by Doug Pray (Scratch), and highly recommended for anyone of my variety of musical come-uppance. I started high school in the fall of 1993, so I guess I missed the very beginnings of the explosion of bands like Nirvana, Pearl Jam, and Soundgarden, but I caught up just as fast as I could (I had to go through my junior high Bel Biv Devoe phase, unfortunately).
Since I was young and somewhat naive, I never realized a lot of the background of music in the '80s in Seattle. A point is made to lay the foundation for the film that Seattle was definitively not a cultural hotspot in the early 1980s:
"Bands never used to come here . . . they'd go as far as San Francisco and then not come all the way up to Seattle 'cuz it wasn't worth it to play just one show." -- Nils Bernstein, Sub Pop
"Well, Seattle was really lame, specifically in the early '80s; it was like a million second cities. It had a fake Talking Heads, Pere Ubu, Killing Joke, all the fake Ramones you could shake a stick at, and, you know, people from Bellevue singing with English accents." -- Steve Fisk, record producer

I loved a quote in the film from British record producer Martin Rushent, which captures the essence of the music scene at the time that Seattle started letting the raw rock fly: "When you've been through periods where you've had keyboard players with 50,000 lbs of kit on stage and 82 keyboards and 95 samplers, you know, after a while you just go, 'Hang on. This is like eating too much food at one sitting; there's too much sound, there's too many colors, it's all got poncey and posey. Let's go see some bands where they just bash it out." That 'bashing it out' is precisely what started to emerge from Sub Pop and other independent releases from Seattle.
In 1988, an article in the UK publication Melody Maker focused on the new sounds coming out of Seattle, and essentially wove together a story that created the myth of the city as an "explosion of subculture." Journalists everywhere began writing about "the new Liverpool," and what was happening in the Pacific Northwest. The NY Times article "Seattle Rock: Out Of The Woods and Into The Wild" (by David Browne) posited, "This fall, the record industry went in search of the Seattle sound and returned with four rock bands whose only common trait seems to be inordinately long hair."
And so began the fever for all things Seattle. The town became a mecca for bands looking to get heard and signed. Newly-formed bands were getting record contracts with only a week of live shows under their belt, just by virtue of being there.
One of the best cultural snapshots in the entire film is a shot of a sedate ride down an escalator in a department store. Piped in over the speakers is a tinny Muzak-synth version of 'Smells Like Teen Spirit,' and the mannequins are all shown in their $180 "grunge wear." It made me remember just how stupid and out-of-hand it all got once it was leeched onto by the fashionistas. Jeff Ament is quoted as saying, "More than anything else, I just think it's funny. We wear long johns cuz it's f*ckin' cold!" (I'll cop to wearing flannels pretty much my entire freshman year of high school. And Docs. And thermal shirts . . . okay, okay!)
The Supersuckers talk a bit about the excitement of the do-it yourself ethic in Seattle at the time, which I found inspiring: "That was the whole lesson we learned when we moved up here - just do it. We saw other bands no different than us just putting out records, zines --you know-- a radio show, their own label, plus live shows." That sounds to me a bit like the music scene at this very moment, with music blogs replacing the word-of-mouth of zines, MySpace streaming everyone and their gramma's band on-demand, eMusic sales skyrocketing, and live shows like Daytrotter disseminating independent music faster than ever before.
The film's got a very interesting (and humorously lo-tech) segment with Seattle musician Leighton Beezer, who constructed a computer program charting the inbred Seattle "family tree" for bands - linking musicians throughout a spiderweb network. It's almost like 'Seven Degrees of Kevin Bacon' through shared band members: Screaming Trees --> Nirvana --> The Melvins --> Mudhoney --> Green River --> Mother Love Bone --> Pearl Jam. Hours of endless entertainment in exploring those connections.
In addition to roiling, raw, cathartic live performances by everyone from Pearl Jam and Soundgarden to The Gits and The Posies, the film also includes the first ever live performance of 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' with Nirvana in a tiny club. It gave me the chills, with the grainy home video, the alternate lyrics, but that undefinable quality that always made it a great song.

Surprisingly, Pearl Jam's role in the film was muted. Ed Vedder gives a reflective interview (sitting next to his ex-wife Beth Liebling, in an uncredited appearance) on fame and hype during a time when he was still very much struggling with it publicly, and is shown jamming on the drums with Hovercraft (a side band that he's toured with). I loved the very ending of the film, which shows Pearl Jam conducting their rad Self-Pollution Radio program in their Seattle studios. A few of their friends are shown stopping by (Mark Arm, Kim Warnick from The Fastbacks, Kim Thayil and Chris Cornell of Soundgarden, Barrett Martin from Screaming Trees, Layne Staley from Alice in Chains, and Krist Novoselic from Nirvana), and the lyrics from the song shown here are a most fitting way to end the film:
"Small my table, sits just two
Got so crowded, I can't make room
Ohh, where did they come from? Stormed my room!
And you dare say it belongs to you . . . to you . . .
This is not for you!
. . . Never was for you!"

Here's some more music documenting the sounds of that era, from tunes featured in the film. The full soundtrack to Hype! is also available on Sub Pop Records.
K Street (live) - The Fastbacks
Definite Door - The Posies
Touch Me I'm Sick (live) - Mudhoney
Negative Creep - Nirvana
The River Rise - Mark Lanegan
Low Beat - Young Fresh Fellows
Throwaway (live) - The Posies
Hype! also features a clip of Soundgarden performing this killer song off Badmotorfinger, in a bendy, sweaty, screaming performance with those notes being nailed by Chris Cornell. I saw Soundgarden in 1996 at the Henry J. Kaiser in Oakland, and it remains one of the best shows I've seen.
With My Good Eye Closed (live in 1996) - Soundgarden
And this is purely a bonus track from me; Green River is the now-defunct Seattle band of Stone Gossard and Jeff Ament of Pearl Jam, with Mark Arm and Steve Turner of Mudhoney.
Queen Bitch (David Bowie cover) - Green River
Ultimately, it's interesting to see how disparate and unique all the bands were that were lumped together under the headline "Seattle sound" when no one sound really ever existed. Hype! does a fine and entertaining job dissecting these years in American musical history. Director Doug Pray has made a convert of me to his productions; his next project is a film called Surfwise (about the life of Malibu surfer Dorian "Doc" Paskowitz) and I have a feeling it will include some choice tunes. Bring it on, Doug!
Labels: '90s, films, nirvana, pearl jam, soundgarden, sub pop
Are you trying to scare me, or what? I shit you not, I went to Blockbuster (which I realize, is like saying cassette tape these days) to rent this very film not 7 days ago, and the clerk told me, "We used to have this movie, but we don't anymore." How fitting! I found it on the internet, but only on tape. How fitting! Surprised it wasn't vinyl... Anyway, you're scaring me (in a good, sexy way) In fact, I'll marry you today if you have or (know where to find) the only recorded version of MFC as a setlist opener (Nurnberg, Germany, 11-6-2000). Keep this stuff up.. seriously....
Honest to Gawd, I just returned Hype to Netflix a couple days ago. I had seen it when it was originally released, but had put it in my Q a while back so I could see it again.
Funny that you mention the whole seeing >insert famous musician here< at certain places. When I was considering moving to Seattle back in '97 I was at QFC (a grocery store chain there) and Pat Smear was standing right next to me in the checkout line. It felt exciting and mundane all at the same moment. Of course, I didn't let on I knew who he was, because I was in Seattle and to act like a fangirl is so NOT cool to do there.
If you want a great book (ok its a little dry in some places and sounds very grad studentish) to read about the history of the "Seattle Sound" check out Loser by clark Humphreys.
oooooooo, grunge! We love it. Simple, direct and bloody loud...how does music get better, exactly?
I think Singles is vastly underrated. Having seen it a few times, I went on a 'pilgrimage' to Seattle in 96 and ended up having a fan moment a bit like Mick's. We went to a Melvins gig/record launch at a record store up near the university and stood next to a very tall and strangely familiar looking man who was talking about his new band a lot. Krist Novaselic. Could I speak? No, I couldn't speak, which under the circumstances was probably a good thing, as now I can say that I did in fact play it cool in front of Nirvana's bassist. RESULT!
Oh, and the Singles soundtrack is excellent as well.
Good Ole Green River....
Do yourself a favor...check out Devilhead and Bloodloss....
nice mudhoney reference as well!!!
Having grown up in Washington and graduating HS in 1990, I had the opportunity to see many of the bands you mentioned in small venues--Screaming Trees, Soundgarden. One of the best shows was seeing Mudhoney open for Nirvana at WWU. Met Krist Novoselic on a hiking trail outside of Seattle, didn't say anything to him. It was an interesting time to be in Seattle.
i can't believe i'd never heard of this movie! adding to netflix right now, thanks for writing it up.
Excellent post. Thanks for taking me back to the music of my college years.
How fitting that this post was made the day Kurt Cobain would have turned 40. (2/20/67) Great job (as usual) :)
I too wanted to move to Seattle !! How silly were these times ? To this date Singles is probably the movie I've seen the most times in my life and I still enjoy watching it... talking about dreaming of Seattle, I recently checked the housing lot from the movie on google maps .... pathetic
Hey Roger, yeah I realized later in the day after I posted it that it was Kurt's birthday. 40. Wow.
Fantastic documentary. I love how it's more about how an underground subculture goes to the mainstream and is exploited. Definitely a major influence on my book.
I love Hype! I grew up in Seattle, but was rather young when the Seattle scene explosion was going on so I hardly remember it. It's a fascinating film -- very well done.
aah what a great time to be in seattle..I miss it..sort of. Anyway, the same guy also made the movie Scratch about the dj movement. - T
Thanks, anon. I wrote a previous post about that great documentary, which I also highly recommend:
Scratch: "Here is a story that must be told"
Ah...that Soundgarden track, combined with the news of Audioslave's demise, causes me to hope for a reunion...
The reunion'd be my first chance to see them, though. I was 10 in 1996. Yet somehow, for me, the whole 90s alt-rock thing (eg Pumpkins, Nirvana, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam) always represented cool to me. I don't have any older siblings, so I'm not sure how it caught on with me...anyway, I still wish I could have seen such bands at the height of their careers. A reunion'll have to do, though (though not in Pearl Jam's case, luckily...).
upload more songs from the posies...they're such amazing...fuckin great post btw)))
Excellent post as usual, Heather. Living in the Seattle area my whole life, it really took me back to that era. I was attending U-Dub, living & working in Seattle at that time (late 80's to early 90's).
this is an epic post. well done heather! i still enjoy this film quite a bit as well.
Prompted by re-reading Five Against One, the Pearl Jam bio, I pulled Hype from the mothballs over Christmas and watched it again (on videotape, no less). Quite the trip down memory lane.
I got it on DVD down here in Brasil last year. A music magazine released it as a 10 year celebration. But I remember reading about it on that same magazine in 96... I waited the whole 10 years to watch it. Yeah, I could've bought it from Amazon or even downloaded it from somewhere, but I'm too lazy to do that.
At least I can say I'm not using my brain right now. Really. What does it mean? Be literal.
What's your excuse?
Heather's ex-aquaintence.
I was a teen in the 80's in Seattle and got to see all the greats play at little all ages shows. I was never very into Nirvana, though, only saw them when they were opening for other bands I wanted to see. One of the shows I remember the most was Mudhoney, Tad, the Posies and Nirvana at the HUB Ballroom.
I didn't know at the time how lucky I was.
As for the documentary, I finally saw it a couple years ago. The best part is when Van Conner of the Trees says, "There are a ton of bands, but WE are a TON of band."
Anon, I thought maybe I knew who you were or what your comment meant, but now I am not so sure.
I've seen it in 2006 and simply put me in an awe. Amazing documentary, and yet agree with you, Pearl Jam simply wrapped it up on "Not For You" fantastic performance in Self Pollution.
Ello, popped over from the contrast podcast !!
This is such an awesome post, i'm 28 now, so the early 90's mean alot to me as far as grunge and indie music go !! Good times.
Gonna have to get myself a copy of that vid. Also 'The Year That Punk Broke' is a very good grunge doc (which i'm sure you've seen).
Check out this guy, he's gotta grunge blog
Also i done an indie rock mix of 90's indie, which you might like.
I'm gonna do a grunge one soon !!
Keep rockin
(UK grunger at heart)
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Unshockingly, being a Seattle-lite I enjoyed this post. Shockingly, I have not seen this either.
HI, im Dane! (little Country in Europe!)
im 17, so i missed the whole Grunge scene and im so sad about that!, but im making it up in cd's dvd's and video's!, But the Program Leightin Beezer, made, does any one have it, or know how to get it?... would love it, to expand my mind! :D,
also the Bill Bored, card's, would i love to get!
Thanks in Advance from Denmark.
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