And Zidane watches it all from the locker room
Sweet, sweet beauty. Ma che bella gioia! That was a fantastic, tense, magnificent game and I could seriously not be happier right now for my beloved adopted country. It's like Noel Gallagher said, "The Italians need to win for Italian football." And so they did -- and I wish I was on the streets of Firenze celebrating.
I couldn't believe that Zidane lacked the basic character and foresight (as the CAPTAIN of his team) to risk losing it all just to give a childish and hot-tempered headbutt. I thought that was unclassy and uncalled for, whatever Materazzi said to him. Have more respect for the game than that. The match might have ended differently with Zidane out there to kick for the penalties.
ADDENDUM 7/11: So I was a little too harsh on Zidane. I just read that he broke down in front of a Paris crowd yesterday - I am sure he feels awful enough. I was astonished when he did what he did, but I can also relate to how hot tensions can run during a stressful game like that, and how one can easily be pushed over the edge. Zidane just had the misfortune of having it be internationally broadcast in his moment of fracture.
Since I also completely LACK a song to post that precisely fits the occasion (who can send me some goods?), here is the closest I've got. Instead of singing "England 5, Germany 1" just yell loudly "Italy 5, France 3-in-penalty-kicks" over the chorus and you'll be golden. From the album Hardcore Hooligan, appropriate for raucous celebrating, jumping around, breaking things, et al.
"England 5, Germany 1" - The Business

Labels: soccer
I think Zidane should've kicked Materazzi's ass after the game, but anyway, he's still one of the greatest players in the world. ;-)
zidane just lost his temper. it was definitely a shame. happens to the best......obviously.
i thought the italian player (gatussi) running around the field after the game in his underwear and the one wearing the giant floppy hat (materazzi) on the medal stand exhibited even less class ;)
but italy deserved to win. their defenders were the best of the tourney by FAR.
in way more important news - that band doing the espn highlight clips wasn't bad either. i think they were called u2 or something.
screw you Italia
Even as an Italian, I had a hard time rooting for Italy. Throughout the tournament I was dismayed by their overdramatics. Yes, it is our nature, but the way the team faked injuries and tripped opponents when no one was looking was no way to bring honor to the team. While Zidane should have kept his cool, it was great to see a player give a final 'fuck you' to the Italians' antics. Both are good teams, and I feel the winner is more a result of circumstance than superiority. Aside from competing with a strong defense and a big heart, I hope we don't see the teams of 2010 adopting Italy's strategies.
Yes, the Italians flopped here and there and I never liked it, but, today, my heart is filled with joy.
When they won in 1982, I was only 12, in Italy for the first time, watching the game outside on a 20-inch TV screen in my mother and father's tiny home village of St. Valentino. I wasn't sure I'd ever see Italia win another one. They did and for that I'm thankful.
Hey anonymous - you couldn't be, no, it couldn't be...
hey, France should have won!
Zidane is/was a great player!
Italia should not have played because of the calcio! It's a shame!
Well, bravo l'Italie quand même!
Allez les Bleus, we all love you
viva la franzia!
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