American girls get a bad rap

This song "American Girls" was written by Rivers Cuomo (Weezer) during his solo show era (97-98), it was eventually recorded for the Meet the Deedles soundtrack, of all things, under the band moniker "Homie".
The Homie supergroup line-up included:
*Rivers Cuomo (Weezer) -- vocals, acoustic guitar, piano, lyrics, and melody
*Yuval Gabay (Soul Coughing) -- drum loops
*Matt Sharp (Weezer) -- co-producer and background vocals
*Sebastian Steinburg (Soul Coughing) -- upright bass
*Pat Wilson (Weezer) -- miscellaneous, drum playing (what got looped)
*Greg Brown (Cake) -- electric guitar (lead and solos)
*Brian Bell (Weezer), Justin Fisher, Adam Orth (both ex-Shufflepuck) and Todd Sullivan (Weezer's A&R guy from Geffen ) -- backing vocals
This song has an supremely chill drumbeat (especially after it really kicks in at about 1:03) and some nice harmonica flourishes with playful electric guitar riffs. It ponders the question, "Why are all American girls so rough?" (which we're not) with golden lines like, "Darlin, I'm afraid to close my eyes when we're going to bed, afraid you'll crack the phone down over my head...." I've never heard it on the radio except for one cosmically odd time just a few weeks after I was introduced to it, in the middle of the afternoon, in a little pub. Like when you are whistling a song and then it comes on the radio, and it makes you smile.
American Girls - Homie
Apparently, Homie has recorded other material, which has only been performed live. Rivers has said that he may release this material some day - maybe as an extra disk in a Weezer discography. If it sounds anything like this tune, that'd be okay with me.
the other live homie stuff sounds great. but rivers will never release it. thats just the way he is.
Forget the music. That picture of Farrah and one of Barbara Eden are the only two celebrity signings/autographs I ever bothered to get. They remain #1 and #2 on the list of oldest women I'd love to ... talk about science with.
Oh damn good post, darlin, as odd as it sounds, weezer was my gateway into music....the marijuana of my music world if you will...and the homie stuff is good, some of rivers' solo stuff he did live is similar to this and just as good. Try and find "hot tub" if you can. If not i'll send it over, even though it might not be that good of a live recording, it's worth the listen.
why did i just say darlin...that's not my style....other people say darlin way better than i do
Love love love this song and used to have the mp3 on repeat for far too long. Of course this was many moons ago, but it was still finding its way onto my mix CD's as of a couple years ago. I'd be interested in hearing more of this Homie stuff if somebody has it.
i really liked it, although there were several alternate takes that came out better, ultimately it's a very cool track and it was very fun/weird/fun recording it.
weird running across this discussion by total accident and seeing it talked about so recently. kudos!
- adam orth
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