Ryan Adams Bedhead for the flac-less

All are fabulous and available in torrent format at the archive site. But I was admittedly (and probably lamely) baffled because they came in flac format, and I listen in mp3. If you too are in my boat, I am happy to now have the fifth volume in mp3 format, called What Will Happen Next, which are songs from last year's spring/summer shows for the most part. I'll put up a new one every couple of days here, and you can get all 5 discs of live goodness with persistence and stick-to-it-ness.
This'll be in honor of, and to get us pumped for, the solo acoustic shows coming up in just a few short days/weeks. And do head over to the RyanAdamsArchive.com site and show them a little love for this great collection.
What Will Happen Next is the 5th in the Bedhead Series which comprises: Bedhead (Volumes 1-3), Live Is Hell (Volumes 4-7), Live Rock'nRoll (Volumes 8-10), After The Fall (Volumes 11-14), and now What Will Happen Next (Volumes 15-19).
Knock yourself out.
Disc I (Volume 15)
01. Trains 5/4/05
02. Don't Fail Me Now 7/27/05
03. Elizabeth You Were Born To Play The Part 5/1/05
04. To Be Young 5/21/05
05. Shakedown On 9th Street 5/16/05
06. When The Stars Go Blue 5/7/05
07. Let It Ride 5/4/05 (slow & sublime)
08. Blossom 5/1/05
09. What Sin Replaces Love->Beautiful Sorta 5/11/05
10. Please Do Not Let Me Go 6/3/05
11. Rosebud 6/5/05
12. Sweet Lil' Gal 5/4/05
So, if I go to jail for 11 years (where all the evil Ryan Adams music posters go), will you write me? Send me mix CDs? (or do you think they just have cassette tape players in there?). Sigh.
Labels: ryan adams
Hope you are well.
If you go to:
get Flac frontend. Download the files and then select 'decode' and they are convereted to mp3.
If you struggle I will get the disks to you.
Chris (Tottington near Manchester UK)
I hate to be a bastard, but be prepared to be unimpressed with Ryan Adams. I saw Adams at the Edmonton Folk Festival last year, and it was a train-wreck. He was a blabbering, incoherent mess, and walked off stage early. I'm not saying the guy will be like that again, but just be prepared. I was looking forward to perhaps the best musical event of my life. The last three acts of the Sunday night show? Adams, John Prine, Allison Krauss and Union Station. I mean, in your mind, can you imagine a better way to spend a Sunday evening? I had already seen Amos Lee and Alexei Murdoch that day, and was primed for Adams. He was awful. It still breaks my heart to think about how bad he was.
the bedhead series are great
Thanks for the information - cool site! I am a big Ryan Adams and Whiskeytown. Like most others I would like if he just stuck to writing and singing - I don't care much for his attitude.
...or you can listen to these and realize that andy's wrong and you have no reason to expect to be disappointed.
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