Bob Pollard just can't stop

***"Death of the Party" - from the Keene Brothers album, Blues and Boogies Shoes. I really like this one. There is a jangly early-R.E.M. quality to this one, very very nice.
"Hello Forever" - from the Psycho and the Birds album, All That is Holy. Kind of weird, huh? Maybe it's the boombox methodology (see blurb below). Loopy and old-timey, a bit uneven.
"Fairly Blacking Out" - from The Takeovers album, Turn to Red. More electric with a nice pitch to the vocal, actually kind of reminds me of the Matthew Sweet song "Lost My Mind." This track annoyed me the first time I listened to it, but maybe it is starting to grow on me.
From the Robert Pollard website:
"Bob has three new side projects that will be released in May. Psycho and the Birds, The Takeovers and Keene Brothers are the newest additions to the Fading Captain family. Psycho and the Birds is a new collaboration with Todd Tobias. Bob records songs boombox style and sends them to Todd to dress them up. The Takeovers is a collaboration with former GBV bass player Chris Slusarenko. Chris enlists some of his friends from the Northwest to help out (Sam Coomes - Quasi; Dan Peters - Mudhoney just to name a couple). The Keene Brothers is a collaboration project with Bob and Tommy Keene. It's pure pop magic when those two get together. The 3 LPs will be released every other week starting on May 2nd."
Again, why release one album when you can put out 4?
Thanks to MagnoliaFan for the tip.
Hey, thanks for the shout! Love the blog!
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