Re-run: Me on the radio

The conversation was a ridiculously fun one to have, and most of the time I forgot that they were even recording. It is a credit to Dye that he can make jittery first-timers feel so relaxed and get to the core of the matter, which was the slew of great music this year. I didn't get a chance to cover all my picks, and they cut some of the portions (plus I am kicking myself for not even mentioning the lyric + sentiment that I borrowed the oft-confusing name of my blog from!) -- but overall this was something I deeply enjoyed doing.
If you missed it, you can take a listen now:
Heather Browne on World Cafe 01-01-2008
Labels: radio
Too Cool! You're Awesome!
Brilliant! Nice work and nice picks.
thanks for posting, I spent way too long searching for this. They certainly don't make it easy to search their site. thanks again.
congrats on getting to be heard
I've been trying to find this archived somewhere online for the past 3 days to no avail.
great job heather. happy new year, ads
Listening to your interview with David Dye now. Totally agree with Josh Ritter. I was in Cork Ireland for work a month ago and had the opportunity to see him in a very intamite setting and eat dinner right next to him and the band.
Keep on rockin and writin
Really enjoyed listening to the show. Great job.
Attagirl, Heather -- great job.
Very cool...nice to hear the voice behind the writing...
Good for you, my friend...
David M.
My Fav Celebrity Blogger
sounded great, rather a great speaker as well as the usual great writing!
Fantastic job. It was great hearing two people who are both so passionate about music have an intelligent conversation. You might have a future in radio!
You did great,didn't sound nervous at all.
Aw great job Heather! You are too cool. I agree, you didn't sound nervous at all...very articulate, rather.
You have a great radio voice....they should make you a regular! That was great...It is nice to hear an opinion based on a love of music, not a pretentious "I heard it first" attitude. Your blog consistently comes from a place of genuine passion, not the desire to "be cool"...for that your readers are grateful. Thanks & keep up the good work in 2008.
You were sensational, Heather. Great work!
just got a chance to listen. ditto all the above. great job :)
Wow, Heather, that was so wonderful! Seriously, had you not said anything, I would have had no idea that it was your first time on national radio - you sounded totally at home.
Now, having heard your voice and intelligence in real time, you have to explain to me why you don't do a podcast for this site. I think it would be huge.
Yeah...forgive me if this is common knowledge, but where did the name of your blog come from? I've always wondered that myself...
Thanks for asking Miss Zabone. I thought it was pretty obvious from the header up there - There is a Pearl Jam lyric from the song "Leash" that says "I am fuel, you are friend, we got the means to make amends. I am lost, I'm no guide, but I'm by your side...." The song is on the Vs. album and it is excellent. Check it out. I picked that line because I wanted to be fuel to stoke new musical fires, and I pictured that everyone who came here would be welcomed as a friend.
Finally had the opportunity to stream you. Well done, indeed! I am very much impressed and feel that you, Heather Browne have a very bright future ahead of you. You are a marketing dream for someone out there - the whole package my girl.....rock on!
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